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Jacob & Co.

Jacob Co Gotham City Rose Gold Cortina Watch Mashtheaddesktop
Jacob Co Gotham City Black Dlc Titanium Cortina Watch Watchforeground

Gotham City

The Gotham City is destined for a Jacob & Co. audience that also relates to his secret identity: that of a playboy billionaire, nonchalant and gifted with extremely good taste. The duality of the comic's character invented by Bob Kane is furthered in the Gotham City.

Gotham City特別為杰克宝的品味客戶匠心打造,巧妙呼應Bob Kane筆下漫畫人物的神秘身份。這位玩世不恭的億萬富翁我行我素,品味獨到,而Gotham City腕錶正好展示他的雙重身份。

Gotham City

The Gotham City is destined for a Jacob & Co. audience that also relates to his secret identity: that of a playboy billionaire, nonchalant and gifted with extremely good taste. The duality of the comic's character invented by Bob Kane is furthered in the Gotham City.

Gotham City特別為杰克宝的品味客戶匠心打造,巧妙呼應Bob Kane筆下漫畫人物的神秘身份。這位玩世不恭的億萬富翁我行我素,品味獨到,而Gotham City腕錶正好展示他的雙重身份。

Jacob Co Gotham City Black Dlc Titanium Cortina Watch Watchforeground

Gotham City